Paul’s Not-Street Tacos

22 Aug
Paul's Not-Street Tacos

Paul’s Not-Street Tacos

I kidded my husband about these. He said he was making “street tacos” for dinner the other night, but in reality they weren’t really street tacos because  they had black refried beans, gaucamole, and Cotijo cheese in them instead of just cilantro and onion. HOWEVER, they were very delicious all the same. I probably gave him too much of a hard time since he’s been cooking for the past two weeks while I have been putting in a lot of hours on a very demanding project at my work. That being said, I have had no time to pull the recipe from him for this, so instead will just let you enjoy the photos and let your imagination figure it out this time. The steak meat was delicious and tender, his homemade guacamole was fantastic, and his refried black beans had bacon in them! Perhaps I will have a chance to post the recipe at a later date (but don’t hold me to that!)

Speaking of a later date, I’ll be wrapping up my part of the project late Friday, and Saturday we (meaning ME!) will be taking a much-needed break and heading to fish and crab and read books and relax for a week on the river at the coast. So I will “see” you on the flip side. Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend next week!

Paul's Not-Street Tacos

Paul’s Not-Street Tacos, Up Close and Personal

4 Responses to “Paul’s Not-Street Tacos”

  1. Melody Dodds August 22, 2013 at 7:51 pm #

    These look wonderful….if you post the recipe, we may have to have a “meat meal” at the Dodds’ house because these look good enough to cheat for!


    • anotherfoodieblogger August 22, 2013 at 7:57 pm #

      Thanks Melody! You could skip the bacon in the beans to make it a little less meaty, but if you’re going for it… 😉


      • Melody Dodds August 22, 2013 at 8:03 pm #

        um…not a chance! Bacon and steak are what I miss the most!


      • anotherfoodieblogger August 22, 2013 at 10:12 pm #

        Well then, I see a good meal in your future! But not for at least a couple of weeks until we get back from our vacation and I get settled back in to work mode and I can write this up in my “spare time.” lol


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