Tag Archives: rescue dog

New Kid on the Block…

18 Mar
Penny's First Day

Penny’s First Day

Hello! Meet Penny, aka Ms. Moneypenny aka Penelope, our new family member and rescue dog. I have been way behind with reading my WordPress friend’s – foodie or otherwise – blogs due to this new adorable furkid.

She’s an unconfirmed Australian Shephard/Border Collie mix rescue dog, and full of energy as the day is long! She’s quite a hand-full and we are having to spend quite a bit of time acclimating her to her new environment and getting to know our beloved Hannah Banana rescue dog, who we’ve had since she was a year old. Hannah is almost 13 years old now, but it’s nice that the new kid on the block has a “mentor” so to speak to teach her manners and household rules. This new little ball of energy is a year and a half old, but has lots of training (and running) in her future.

Penny Day 2

Here is Penny on Day 2 after some exercise ~ Finally calmed down a tad.

I hope to get a new recipe up this weekend, but if I don’t, you’ll know why! 😀